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If there is one thing I can thank the pandemic for, it’s pushing me in the direction of discovering, and in some cases, re-discovering, puzzles long forgotten since childhood and late teens. One of those little past times was the good old-fashioned word search puzzle. I have to confess, that before the pandemic, I didn’t care much for it.

I guess, as with most puzzles, a word search puzzle can be simple, as well as scarily difficult, and I came across a fair number spanning a wide spectrum of difficulties during lock-down. The easier ones were fine and I liked those when I had a few moments to fill, but I love the difficult ones – the challenging ones I could sink my teeth into while enjoying a coffee.

Here’s one I have for you. As a bit of a horror pic fan, I found liked the puzzles with that kind of theme, so go ahead and give this one a try.

In this grid, you’ll find the titles of 20 horror movies, go ahead and see if you can find them all. You’re not going to be given a list of words either, so if you’re a horror buff, you’ll find this to be a little less of a challenge than most – or maybe not!


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