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Quitting Smoking Part 3

Social Media

Social media can be a good avenue for would-be non-smokers to get support if this is the direction in which you are most comfortable. Perhaps seeking out a dedicated group who are geared to helping their members kick the habit would work well for you. If you don’t find one that suits you, or you are not comfortable with it, then why not start one? In this day and age, it would be quite an easy thing to do – it’s not rocket science!

We all know that nicotine from cigarettes gives us a temporary high. It becomes a physical dependency in our lives as well as a psychological habit. One that we indulge in on a daily basis.

To stop smoking we have to tackle the habit as well as the addiction; we can’t do one without the other and expect to be successful. And yes, like someone addicted to heroin, putting a stop to the daily fix means we can expect our bodies could crash with withdrawal symptoms and severe cravings.

Support Groups

Finding support groups is an option too. Some are okay with a group gathering in which to share their experiences with others and get feedback. Some, however, prefer a one-to-one situation in which they feel more comfortable. These sessions don’t have to be lengthy either, perhaps 20 to 30 minutes per session, once or even twice a week for a given period of time. Whatever suits you best.

Individual Support

It is perhaps important to note that many will also have loved ones or friends that smoke too and would wish for them to quit at the same time, that is understandable. However, just like the rest of us, that is a decision they have to make for themselves, we can’t force them to do so. In fact, that may have the opposite effect, especially if they feel you are dictating what they should or should not do, or overstepping a line they are not comfortable with.

Even when we free ourselves of the addiction, many of us can never escape it completely. It only takes one lapse in judgment, one unthinking act to send us spiraling back to old ways and old habits. The brain is hardwired to remember old routines and habits that have been thoroughly established over time.

So it just leaves me to say good luck in your endeavours to quit. I struggled with it for a while myself, until I tackled the problem in a way that suited me. That was back in ’95 and I’m pleased to say I’ve not touched one since, ever! And that was despite the fact that after several unsuccessful attempts, I thought I would never be able to kick the habit. So good luck to you and just remember to have faith in yourself – you’re much stronger than you realise.


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