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Numbers Puzzles


Connect puzzle grid

The task here is to place the numbers on the right into the diagram. Take note of the coloured links as these indicate which numbers are added together. For example, the green lines indicate that the numbers in the 3 circles they link (J,M,E) are added together.

Now that you know this, your task is to arrange the numbers in such a way that each set of 3 linked outer circles add up to 24. Also, as you can see, the inner circle of numbers, (H,I,G,C and F) are also connected in the same way to some of the outer circles, but they must in this case add up to 21.

Sum Circles

Using the digits 1 to 9, fill in the grid provided. Each number represents a given value as shown. Insert the numbers listed in white into the circles making sure that each number is connected to at least two other circles and that the digits contained within them add up to the value given in the list, (see the example). 

Also, you must use two digits twice – 1 and 7.

Add Up

Here are two Add Up puzzles, one of which is a little different from the norm.
The numbers in each circle above the lowest row, shows the total of the two digits below it. Enter the numbers in the empty circles to reach the peak and complete the puzzle. As for Add Up Deluxe, the numbers in each circle usually shows the total of the two below it, that’s still the same here, except that there are several peaks, indicated by the coloured circles. So in effect, you have 5 add up puzzles combined. See if you can work out the numbers for the rest of the blank circles.

TIP: Best to literally start from the bottom up!

Add Up

Add Up Deluxe


Connect the circles using 6 lines.

Your task is to connect all these numbered circles together using 6 lines that are all of the same length, (the line is shown at the top of the diagram).

The lines may cross as many times as necessary, but when finished you must be able to start at any circle, follow the path of lines to visit all the circles and end up back where you started. No more than two lines can connect a circle, however, a line may pass through a circle to connect another, but that counts as two connections and therefore no other line can touch it.


Your task is to place the digits 1-14 into the grid provided, but note the rules for doing so:


1. You must use seven of these numbers in one row and the other seven numbers in the following row and repeat with the first seven numbers in the third row, and the numbers in the second row in the fourth row and so on.
2. Only even numbers can be placed in the shaded squares.
3. Each row and each column must add up to the values indicated on the outskirts of the grid.
4. No number can be used twice in any row or column
5. No number can be within one of its’ neighhbour. ie, if you place 7, then 6 or 8 cannot be in any adjacent square, even diagonally.


Use the digits 1 to 4 once in each row and column.

Each container must have its numbers manipulated in any order to result in the value shown in the top left-hand corner of each container using the operator specified. Numbers can be repeated in a container but not in any row or column.

One Route

No instructions or guidance given for these puzzles!

The Matrix

If you’ve had a drink or two, you’re in the right place to try the Matrix!

Put all the digits 1 to 10 into the grid provided. However, you are not allowed to have two numbers joined by a line in any direction that is one above or below it. So for example, if you place 4 then it cannot be connected to 3 or 5, you get the idea.

Two digits have been placed for you.

Venn Puzzle

Your task here is to insert the correct values into the diagram.

A little like a Venn diagram, the values in the intersecting sectors have a relationship with the other intersecting circles. Also the intersecting sectors themselves have a relationship with each other.

Work out the values of the blank sectors so that the diagram makes sense.