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Exercise and You Part 6

Popular Exercise Equipment

You can very easily spend a small fortune on exercise equipment, of that there’s no doubt. This industry is huge now. You have so much to choose from and with such a variety that it can be quite daunting for most people. So where do you start? Well, that could be a difficult question to answer. It’s going to depend a lot on what your needs are, what your goals are, and where you intend to be in the not-too-distant future.

Right now, one of the most popular exercise tools is the fitness ball. Yes, that over-grown balloon we all smiled at a couple of decades ago! They are a fantastic piece of fitness equipment if used correctly and sensibly, but on the same note, can cause injury if they’re not. However, that can be said for any piece of exercise equipment you use without the necessary respect.

Now, I have seen fitness balls selling for £150 a go, but I wouldn’t recommend tearing a hole in your pocket for one of those. You can easily pick up a perfectly useable one for £30. As you might expect they come in various sizes, colours, and designs too.

You may well be surprised at the sheer range of exercises you can perform with these things, but be warned, many are not as easy as you might think. Good coordination, balance, strength, and a modicum of good sense are needed when using one. Having said that, they can make things much less stressful on your joints and are actually a lot of fun.

I won’t be going through any basic exercises for you to do here; I could go on forever if I did! Many of these fitness balls come with an instructional DVD or booklet anyway, but just in case yours didn’t, here are a couple of videos you can watch online and follow along. You could start with this one: This is a very basic fitness ball routine that you can do if you’re new to them and haven’t exercised in some time. Next up from that, you can follow along with Pahla B if you’re up to it! Note that none of the exercises here are easy, trust me, but they are great for a 15 to 20-minute workout IF you are up to that level of body strength. If you’re not, you need to try a more moderate routine for your level, try this video instead – These exercises are explained well and are a little easier to get to grips with.

Bear in mind, that there are a wealth of these videos on the Internet, so find one you like if you want to, and have a go. Also, try to keep in mind that any of these exercises will let you know you’ve got muscles in places you didn’t think you had.

Fitness Media

Exercising from home has never been easier or more popular. With the influx of DVDs and other media onto the world markets, you can find media on virtually any fitness program or form, and be able to access a world of exercise equipment of every type as well as how best to use them.

Treadmills, Rowing Machines, Chin Up Bars, Home Gyms, Kettles, push-up aids, and more. But before you invest in anything, you might want to make sure you know and understand the exercise routines you have chosen to embark upon. You can base your equipment and of course your media on that. There seems to be little point in buying a home gym if you’re concentrating on Pilates as your chosen fitness regime, you’re not likely to use it much. Not to say you can’t invest in one at some point, but for now, it’s probably best you stick with what’s practical and suits your immediate needs, especially if you’re just starting out.

If you are going to buy a piece of equipment to use at home, one idea might be to join a gym for a short while if your situation allows, so you can try out various equipment for yourself and decide which would suit you best at home.

Home gyms are fine and if you’re not bothered by working out on your lonesome, then it’s a good investment and can work out far cheaper than an ongoing gym membership. For some of us though, being around and working out with other people helps us to keep motivated. It’s an individual, as well as a social thing!

See you in Part 7


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