
A Puzzler's Corner

Hello World? Really?…

Well, if the whole world is dropping in, I’d be very pleased! Okay, we can all live and hope!
This thing is clearly in its infancy and through purely selfish reasons I’ve created it to indulge myself a little. You see, I’m a lover of puzzles, and I spend much of my spare time creating all sorts of puzzles and brainteasers. You’ll find that many of the puzzles I post here are available in my MindGym Puzzle Mix book series, if you’re interested in getting your hands on Issue 4, go ahead. I get a lot of fun and satisfaction from that and often like to share them with those who are like-minded, as well as those who are not. (UPDATEIssue 5 now available.)

Now, contrary to popular belief, just because I create puzzles, doesn’t mean I’m some kind of genius with an IQ of 440 – far from it! I just have a knack for creating them and I have a huge amount of respect for all the folks that jump in at the messy end to solve them!

It’s said that one should have a set idea of how a blog site should shape up, and I don’t disagree with that, I’ve just not had a lot of time to sit down and actually do it. But eventually, I figured what the hell, let’s just jump in and get on with it, otherwise, I can see myself putting off until…well. I bet I’ll live to regret it, but hey, time is short.

It’s also said that one should select a subject to create a blog around and stick to it. I’m not going to argue with that either, but I’m not one for pigeonholing – (is that a word?). The way I look at this blogging stuff is like a conversation. If I go to a pub with a friend, I’m sure we would engage ourselves in conversation on more than one topic throughout the evening…at least, I would hope so! Otherwise, the evening would become just a little tedious, don’t you think?

So you might find some surprising things as I don’t intend for everything I write about or include in the blog section to be puzzle-oriented, God no!

Anyway, let’s see how it all goes. Primarily, I’ll be assaulting these pages with puzzles of a wide variety, and as the good old crossword is one of my puzzle favs, there’s likely to be a fair few of those here in the coming months…you’ve been warned!

I’ll finally just say welcome to anyone who drops in, even if by accident!!

Word Puzzles

Word puzzles covering such items as Crosswords, obviously, Codewords, Ladderwords, Cryptograms and much more!

Numbers Puzzles

Number puzzles including the old favorite of Sudoku, Add Up, Number Jig and a fair few you may not have heard of!

Logic Puzzles

The standard logic puzzles are always a favourite, but, just like the Word and Number puzzles, they can cover a very wide spectrum.


Just a few minutes a day, that’s all you need to reduce your tension levels and improve your physical well-being.

Just a few minutes a day, that’s all you need to reduce your tension levels and improve your physical well-being.

Smoking can be far more addictive than most realise. Over time, smoking alters brain functions and dependencies. In fact, it can be compared to heroin and cocaine addiction.

QUITTING smoking is NOT easy. Ask any true smoker! For many, quitting is likely to be the hardest thing they’ll do in their lives. Sometimes, self-control and strong will just aren’t enough.

Social media can be a good avenue for would-be non-smokers to get support if this is the direction in which you are most comfortable. Perhaps seeking out a dedicated group who are geared to helping their members kick the habit would work well for you.

Most would be surprised at the fact that puzzles are regularly indulged by more than half the population of the planet! Especially during the pandemic, which saw quite a surge in the number of folks filling their time with a puzzle of one kind or another.

If there is one thing I can thank the pandemic for, it’s pushing me in the direction of discovering, and in some cases, re-discovering, puzzles long forgotten since childhood and late teens.

Your nutritional needs are important to note if you intend to embark on an exercise program. It’s easy to say, but a little trickier to put into practice.

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